COVID-19 Rapid Antigen-Test can be taken at the Farmacie Internazionali locations. The cost is 15 euros and can be paid with Paypal.
Intermediate distributor between pharmaceutical manufacturing industries and pharmacies open to the general public.
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Master and officinal galenic preparations according to current regulations.
COVID-19 Rapid Antigen-Test can be taken at the Farmacie Internazionali locations. The cost is 15 euros and can be paid with Paypal.
Enter the NRE code and send the request to our pharmacy! Order now!
The Farmacie Internazionali have given their willingness to administer the vaccine.
Each month we hold days dedicated to individual cosmetic lines. Book from our website or by calling the pharmacy.
Farmacie Internazionali
Every week you’ll find new products on offer for beauty and well-being for the whole family: choose from thousands of parapharmaceuticals, OTC medicines, cosmetics, supplements, products for your child and much more.
Our services
The Farmacie Internazionali are specialized in galenic preparations. Click here for more info
Napoli and Campania
References always available
professionals in your support
A different way of understanding one’s well-being.
Farmacie Internazionali are the reference for foods for intolerants, dermocosmetics, hygiene and any type of medicine in Naples and Campania.
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